Wednesday, May 28, 2008

'Til Death do Us Part????

And So—It has been a loooonnnng time since yours truly has written…but never fear…T.C. is here! So, first on the agenda---the Gays may get to have their day in sun…the California sun that is! On May 15th the California Supreme Court ruled in a 4-3 decision for same-sex marriage. However, before the brides and grooms to-be could run to their closest Vera Wang boutique a group of conservative bigots ran to the courts and asked them for a 5 month stay of the judgment so that voters could have the opportunity to strike down their decision with a state amendment to ban same sex marriage. So, now T.C. is pissed! What the hell is wrong with these conservative groups and their sanctity of marriage bullshit! If marriage was so F@$%ING sacred then I ask why is The Bachelor a hit show??? Why did Britney Spears get an annulment after 84 hours??? Why do shows like Bridezilla and Marry a Farmer exist??? Why don’t these groups get together and ban shows like these for tramping all over traditional marriage???? I am so tired of their debate! You know… these were most likely the same groups who said that people of different races couldn’t married during the 50’s!!! My God, how short the memory of America is…we just wait for a new marginalized group to surface so that we can throw our “traditional” bullshit at them…. WAKE UP!!! The traditional America that these groups have held so near and dear to their hearts has long since died! If you want to cling to your traditional ways I suggest you get a compound in Utah and keep to yourself…start a town in the mountains…ride in horse and buggy…churn butter… but leave the rest of the hell alone! Ok, now I feel a little better.

Next, George Bush…ohhhhh DUBYA…the dirty tricks you play when you a far from home. Calling Obama an appeaser…yes, your right to try and have conversation with our opponents is wrong…it might lead us to negotiation and that is not the “yippy caye” gun totting’ way of Dubya’s USA!
Today, his former press secretary came out with a book in which he shatters the Bush Administration by telling us…wait for it…WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW! Yes, the American people hired a coke snortin’, illiterate, wanna-be better than daddy, spoiled little frat boy! There, I saved you the $14.95 of an Amazon book shipment.

Next, Hillary’s still in the race…but I don’t care... so we are moving on from there. More interesting than that is the fact that Dunkin Donuts pulled a TV advertisement today because their spokesperson Rachel Ray was wearing a scarf that was thought by the right-winged bloggers to look like an Arab keffiyeh. Really, are you kidding me?? Do we live in a communist country where the clothes that people wear on T.V. have to be censored not because it’s too sexy, but because it’s too Arab???? Way to show a pair Dunkin Donuts!! What were the American people going to do… boycott your patriotic coffee? “America runs on Dunkin”…probably not… because that would mean that families would have to cook nutritious food for their kids before they go to school instead of hopping them up on your sugary crap… but being as how we are too busy, toolazy and too fat to do that…you sacred fatty empire is safe! But the fact that you pulled the add sure as hell makes T.C. not want to enter into your politically charged and overtly racist establishment! How much F’ing time do we have on our hands that this is what the media is paying attention to instead of …Oh I don’t know that gas is reaching $5 a gallon, or that the prices of just about everything we consume is rising through the roof…no it’s much easier to comment on Rachel Ray’s wardrobe! And that's my Two Cents!!!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Nuclear Summer for the Dems???

And so--T.C. is pissed and I must tell you all why...I am on VACA this week and was enjoying myself until I turned on MSNBC. I know what your thinking...GEEK! But, you have to understand I am an addict! "Hi my name is Two Cents..and I am addicted to politics"! Except when I tuned you know what I heard???? Well, let me tell you. I heard the pundits discussing whether or not reporters on the campaign trail hook-up with one another...because there is nothing else to do??? Are you F@%KIN kidding me???? Was I watching MTV's the Hills??? I don't give a shit if "professional ADULT journalists" hook-up with one another...I care if they are actually covering the news while they are on the campaign trail...not each other!

Ok, enough of my rant back to the news...So, Huffpo is reporting today HRC's Nuclear not her energy plan...her plan to nuke the democratic party by having her supporters that sit on the bylaws and rules committee push forward the votes of the people in Michigan and Florida...Now, don't get me wrong I am not into disenfranchising 2.5 million voters, but I will say that their states should have followed the rules! Now, some of you may roll your eyes and say "T.C. some rules are meant to be broken". Yes, that is true but the reality is...she would not be calling for their votes if she wasn't the only Dem on the ballot in those states...should she be rewarded for playing her down-low game??? I wish, that DNC chair Howard Dean would grow a pair and put his foot down! I am not saying not to seat the good people of these states at convention...but if we are going to count votes then we have to redo the campaigns there and give both her and Obama the time to campaign there and then redo the votes...not just except what's there...But if she manages to use her "Nuclear" strategy she will obliterate not only Obama's chances (which she wants...understood) but she will also be responsible for the imploding of the democratic party...and I am sorry but her win...ain't worth that! That's my Two I am back to relaxing!
